Employ Insight

5 Career Advice Sites Available for You!

  • Written by EmployInsight
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  • Are you searching for advice from a professional but don’t want to pay a professional fee? The 5 websites below, provided by experts, professionals and psychologists, can guide you through common and not-so-common dilemmas that you may be facing right now!

    1. Brazen: Brazen Careerist, co-founded by Penelope Trunk, author of bestselling career advise book, The New American Dream, is a site for career tips and job opportunities. It connects to a blog called Brazen Life that offers entertaining but helpful articles presenting career advice and tips on finding a job. The articles cover an array of topics, the majority of which are geared toward helping you to find your success. Brazen also has a Pinterest account with 16 boards that conveniently categorize the type of advice you need.


    2. The Muse: The Daily Muse gives career advice for a range of dilemmas that you may face in the workplace. They answer questions regarding networking, managing your workload, and even handling the morning after a happy hour! Their writers cover several issues that target specific groups such as entrepreneurs, technicians and women. Their advice ranges from healthy living to productivity to style & travel. What they have to say is useful for people of all ages, women and men, who are looking for career advice. http://www.thedailymuse.com/category/career/careeradvice/. Along with advice at the office, The Muse has tips for how to land a job along with insight into the companies in which you have an interest.


    3. Levo League: ‘Levo’ is the Latin root of the word “elevate” which describes Levo League’s mission to inspire and assist women in the work world, and to provide them with the tools necessary for success. (sorry, men!) Their articles provide news and advice concerning women’s careers, skills, lifestyles and fashion. They also have a unique feature called “Office Hours” which is a live, 30-minute Q&A session that is available for anyone to watch. Career leaders, mentors and experts discuss lessons they have learned and propose personal advice that stems from their different career paths. Finally, Levo also posts job openings that are currently accepting applications.


    4. Vocation Village: Vocation Village requires no transportation to get to (just click the link below) and contains a number of helpful articles that pertain to your current career and/or your search for a career. This service is provided by Dr. Janet Scarborough Civitelli, a vocational psychologist who has years of experience with career coaching and professional counseling. The topics she deals with concern decision-making, job-searching, happiness and stress, success stories, resumes, interviews, and more.


    5. Career Potential: Ford R. Myers, a career expert, wants to help you “take charge of your career” by providing you (without any cost) with over 60 articles he has written. These articles have also been published in internationally recognized magazines and newspapers. If you are an executive or professional, however, who needs a bit more help, Career Potential offers programs, seminars, and consultation to guide you to success. You can read the free and available advice articles posted on their website or you can further explore their website to find the program that is perfect for you!



    Molly McShea works at StrengthsInsight as a Marketing Strategist. A former varsity athlete at Georgetown University, she has a passion for linguistics, learning new things and discovering more about the world.

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